who are willing ...

Forget what you've heard

The promise of salvation was sealed with Christ's death and proven by His resurrection from the dead. Anyone could take advantage of the gift of eternal life - but there was a price to pay, and Jesus spoke plainly of the life he demanded of those who entered His Kingdom. The road to salvation is explained throughout the New Testament writings that recorded what Jesus ordained and the Apostles taught and practised after He rose to glory.

Come with us and find the original gospel, the one that really does save.

The Original Gospel

Have you ever suffered from a guilty conscience? Ever felt spiritually unclean and unacceptable? That's the result of God's Holy Spirit working to convict you of your sin and bring you to a place of repentance and forgiveness.

God offers complete forgiveness of sin and a life of victory over sin. He expects that people who are born again of the spirit of God can and will walk before Him in all holiness. This is not something that's impossible, but a a very real part of life for those who have surrendered their lives to Christ.

Find out more?

God does exist.

Of the three most basic beliefs needed for salvation, the existence of God is the most important. Unless a person comes to this fact . . .

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Man is a living soul.

We live in an age when animal rights are promoted passionately and people are regarded as little more than animals themselves. But what is the reality?

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God's Word is final

Every teaching in this website is taken directly from the Bible, which we accept in faith as the infallible Word of God. No other . . .

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